Natural Hazards REsources
Links to some of the resources we used in Natural Hazards (formerly known as Geologic Hazards) and Geological Hazards classes.
Links to some of the resources we used over the semester
General Information Sites
Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) (you will likely have to create an account if you want to do a database search, but you can access the classification table and other information without an account).
earth :: a global map of wind, weather and ocean conditions
Sentiboard – an online space for users of data from the Sentinel missions https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/sentiboard
GPS/GNSS Station Data
GPS: The Global Positioning System A global public service brought to you by the U.S. government (operated and maintained by the U.S. Space Force and good grief does this site need help)
UNAVCO GPS Velocity Viewer (allows users to view GPS vectors from around the world in a range of reference frames including the global IGS08 and many regional reference frames)
UNAVCO All Real-time Networks & Stations Monitoring (network monitoring (instrument state of health) information for all GAGE real-time GNSS/GPS networks)
Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) Plug and Play For Earth Science Portal
SONEL GLOBAL SEA LEVEL OBSERVING SYSTEM (GLOSS) https://www.sonel.org/-GLOSS,81-.html?lang=en
USGS Current Earthquakes (A tool for locating recent Earthquakes)
USGS Earthquake Hazards Website
10,000 Years of Volcanoes (Smithsonian)
U.S. Volcanoes and Current Activity Alerts
Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN)
Global Volcanism Program – Smithsonian Institution – Current Eruptions
Mass Wasting
USGS Landslide Hazards Program
Weather and Climate
National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices Data Portal
U.S. Climate Data (scroll down to select a location or use the search function)
National Hurricane Center’s Data Archive
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
Fire Information for Resource Management
National Water Dashboard (lower 48) – the new one
Social Science Data
NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) Population Map Gallery (you have to make an account to use this one)