About Me
About Me
I am a professor of Earth Sciences at SUNY Buffalo State, specializing in environmental contamination studies (so I teach and do research). I teach courses in Environmental Earth Science, Geologic Hazards, Historical Geology, Hydrogeology, Environmental Geochemistry and Environmental Case Studies.
For this reason I tend to read a lot of nonfiction works on environmental issues. This can get very depressing, so I also read fun nonfiction and whatever fiction catches my eye. I have always been a reader and generally tend to walk from place to place carrying a book or article that I am reading – I have good peripheral vision and am way less of a hazard than the people walking around looking at their cell phones. I have never walked into anyone or run into a stationary object because I was reading. I have been run over by a squirrel – OUCH they have sharp nails! – but that wasn’t my fault.
I have a tendency toward sarcasm – you might have noticed if you looked around this site. Sorry, but it is an occupational hazard.
I am usually ridiculously busy at work (that’s me under that rock up there) that I have no idea what is currently popular on TV and the only movies I have seen in years have been mostly been children’s movies. My pop culture references are either horridly dated or obscure.

Contact Me
If you would like to contact me you can email me at dnaplremediation (AT) gmail (DOT) com. I am sometimes forgetful about checking non-work email, so it might take me a little while to get back to you.